Community Wellness Resource Hub

Taking Action towards Coping and resilience

Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.
— (Quran, 13:11)

May Allah reward you for taking this important first step towards healing and growth.

Coping As a Community

Challenging times offer an opportunity for building resilience and learning how to cope. MYPI’s Mental Wellness team is here to support your needs. Here are some mental wellness toolkits, and various resources to support your needs as you await one-to-one support through our well-vetted, culturally responsible providers. Always remember where there is an immediate danger, call 911 for law enforcement support. For the National Suicide Hotline call 1-800-273-8255.

MYPI is committed to supporting our community’s mental wellness needs. Learn about our trusted providers and their services here:

MyPI’s Recommended Resources for your WEll-being

You can find various materials to support your mental well-being by visiting each of the buttons provided:

A word for our Community:

The Colorado Muslim Leadership Council is devastated by the sheer violence claiming the lives of the innocent. Furthermore, Islam teaches us that all people, regardless of their race or religion, deserve to live with dignity and security.

Our communities must remain safe where there is no place for hate against Jews, Muslims, or others. As we continue to denounce antisemitism, our neighbors and allies must denounce all forms of anti-Muslim and anti-Arab rhetoric or actions. We firmly believe that freedom and the struggle against hate, bigotry, racial injustice and oppression are interconnected on a global level. It is imperative that all parties uphold agreements set forth by the United Nations international law with the preservation of life being paramount.

May Allah, the Most Compassionate, protect us all from acts of violence and increase the number of islands of peace in which people embrace each other with respect all around the world.

Below are letters the Colorado Muslim Leadership Council has submitted to Colorado Officials: